46. Narnia, the lying bitch in the whoredrobe.

When they sleep, eyes completely closed, off having little cat dreams of a life better or worse, when they want nothing, can be anywhere, but choose to be beside him, he smiles, smoking his pipe, drinking his wine, writing his stories, having his own dreams whilst awake. 

Riley Dyson


Riley Dyson


Dec 4, 2023

Narnia, the lying bitch in the whoredrobe

Cat (2)

The day for William started slower, awakening, feeling never having slept. A hangover?
He thought he had seen the end of those. Tries to drink water; water becomes an incredible burden once you start to notice it. Once you realise you are always dehydrated. Once you realise you drink coffee, beer and then wine. Constantly sweating in the humidity of July. It sits in his stomach, like a monsoon on dry fields, the body does not take it in, what for?
It adds nothing to the mind.
Sitting on the front porch he read through the writings from last night, forgetting what they all said, a small smile reaches his dopey face, thinking he might be good at something.

Here he comes now, the Russian landlord, about to ask for money.
William lived in a complex, it was cheap and everyone lived on top of each other. There was no privacy for lies so they bared their truths.
Wiliam didn’t have the money.

“Rent brother,” says the Russian.
“Yes, by tomorrow I will have it for you.”
“Brother, you said this yesterday.”
“Just trust me.”
“Trust?” the Russian laughed, as Russians do, “I trust you to never pay me.”
“I always find a way,” admitted William.
“I leave tomorrow for three day. When I get back, rent.”
William nodded his head and turned back to the computer. The Russian walked away.
“C’mon baby,” William said to his laptop. “It is us against the world.”

The Russian’s name was Oleg or something, William wasn’t sure, they just called each other brother. To the right of his room, a British woman stayed in another. She wouldn’t last long. The complex had something about it, an energy, where the lost end up. Like cats, like the cats. They meow harshly when you rattle anything, demanding food.
“Shut up would ya!?” William says, “Alright, alright, ill get you the fucking food just hold on a minute!”
meow meow meow!!!!!
“Righto, don’t make me not want to feed you with you carrying on like that!”
But he forgives them. The main one, the alpha, that is dark in demeanour and colour is the one who holds no grace in her demands. The white one, who hides under the bed when a dog walks by, is patient and easier to love. But William loves even the one who is easy to hate, because he knows she has to be like that to survive, that her vigour allows the white cats serenity, a beautiful little yin and yang at his feet. When they sleep beside him, eyes completely closed, off having little cat dreams of a life better or worse, when they want nothing, can be anywhere, but choose to be beside him, he smiles, smoking his pipe, drinking his wine, writing his stories, having his own dreams whilst awake.

“Excuse me?” asks a lady, German or something I think, red hair.
“Yes?” replies William.
“Can you please give me a hand?”
He stood and looked to the voice over the balustrade that kept him from falling off when he stumbles to bed.
“I just need help for a second,” she says, again.
William walks down the stairs and looks at her, she is not very attractive, but has a good body, but has a female body with female parts. Red hair like flames of a fire on a beach. William didn’t even talk but said ‘what?’ with his presence as he approached her. She walked into her room, he followed.
“I'm just having trouble with this dress, I cant get the locket undone from the back, can you get it for me?”
His fat little fingers that have spent the last plenty of years hitting the keys did their best. William had a band aid on his left thumb, that was frayed from laziness of not changing it, that covered an injury he cannot remember getting. Just waking up, with the top of his thumb gone.
“What happened to your thumb?” She asks.
She laughed.
The locket come undone swiftly, easily, and the dark brown dress fell to the floor, leaving her in nothing but skin and black silk underwear. She did not shy away, she acted as if she still had her body covered.
“Thank you,” she said, bending over to pick up her dress.
She walked to her dresser, put it away, he could see the lure of her nipples, pink and inviting.
“So, I see you writing all the time, what are you writing?” she asked.
“Just stories.”
“What type of stories?”
“Stupid ones, its just a bit of fun.”
“Well,” she said, sitting on the bed, grabbing a bottle of moisturiser, and squirting it into her hand, “Why do you do it?”
“It’s the only way they let an adult have imaginary friends without putting them into a mental home.”
“You’re funny,” she said.
William could feel his heart rising, as if it was blocking his voice from getting the air it needed to talk normally.
“How are you?” He asked.
“Me? I'm just really drained, I just need a break from people.”
William took this as a sign that she was asking him to leave, subconsciously, or consciously to his subconscious, who knows, there sure are plenty of levels to all this.
He watched her rub the cream into her body. Graceful as a bird’s beak in a rose.
William walked towards her and asked for a hug.
She gave it and he held her naked body, he leant in to kiss her and she shirked away.
“Ah, no thank you,” she said, William felt the guilt of trying.
“Sorry, I just–“
“Just leave please.”

So he walked back to his little front porch, where the computer stayed open, waiting to hear about it.
“What did you do?” asks the British neighbour,
“I tried to kiss the naked German.”
“Is that her name?” William asked.
“Yes, she is lovely, you leave her alone!”

Narnia, the Lying Bitch in the Whoredrobe, he wrote.

Later that afternoon, Oleg walked to the door, as William laid on his bed feeling his body beat.
“Brother, you try and rape girl?”
“Brother, not here.”
“Fuck off would you, she was naked and rubbing lotion onto her body. She asked me into there. It was entrapment, I don’t know how these Europeans work.”
“Europeans very free brother, they show tit, does not mean they want to fuck you brother.”
“When can I be free?” William asked.
“When you pay your rent,” the Russian laughed, then left.

So William poured himself wine into a plastic cup, drank it, filled the pipe, lit it, toked away, sat at the computer, and wrote a world where he was still not safe.

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