84. Scraps from the Kings mouth

Post Summary - Good post. 

Riley Dyson


Riley Dyson


Aug 20, 2024

Scraps from the Kings mouth

There is an empty bottle of wine
to my right
and one just like it
to my left,
only full.

I am smoking a cigar
with brown slippers on
because I wanted to be
someone who smokes
a cigar
with brown slippers on

And now I am
and here is what I have
to say

the meaning of life
is death
and how much freedom
there is in love
is enough to become
acquainted with the inevitable.

and if you befriend the destroyer
he will introduce you to all
of his friends

The sober are too drunk
the drunk too sober

My style is a lifestyle

My ego is becoming arrogant on his way to a glorious death.

My blood is a delicacy
My flesh nutritious

The black fish
of fear
dances as one
with the
white fish of hope

Yeah, I am back in prison
doing my time.
thickening perspective
but it is alright
I have wanted to be alright a few times
and here I am
as it

the prison guard is good to me
he lets me drink a bottle of wine a night
and walk in the forest
and he pays for pastels and paper
and incense and he buys me sandwiches
all I have to do

is wake up at 5am and be happy
and do what I am asked to do
and do it well
and then
my prison guard lets me be me for a few hours
and we have both seen enough death
to know we are next
and doing a good job

We just got to do it our way.

from my cell I can see the sky
and listen to any song I want
and music keeps the flame alive
as my wax falls on the carpet of
my parents home

My prison is kind
knowing my heart is also
and our time together is brief
ready for the vast nothingness
on the other side of these bars.

I remind these walls that soon I will be gone.
They weep.
My beautiful walls,
they weep.


Cow at therapy

Therapist: when was the last time you moo’d?
Cow: Tuesday
Therapist: No, no, truly mooo’d
Cow: Oh…. It has been a long time


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